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and miles to go before I sleep….

…. although we all want it right now – most of the time success; money; greatness …. none of this comes very quickly

I asked a hypothetical question in one of the most recent blogs … “how many great achievements/successes were lost because people quit right near the very end, when the climb gets the most difficult…..”

when we first started naseba there were several times that i almost “quit” …. because esp the first year or so was very “stressful and difficult” …. I try to imagine my life today had i “quit” …. all these experiences i would not have had….

it is an interesting question to think about – how many diets, hobbies, jobs, adventures etc. are started, but end as soon as it gets “too difficult” ….

how many great achievements/experiences are lost because we stop in the middle of something…..