how much softer can we become?

I read something tonight which pointed out that  Joe Dimaggio didn’t stand and admire his own home runs …
unlike the stars of today who must admire their own greatness to ensure they are marketable… so they can make even moore money to buy even more stuff.

I am not sure how many readers are old enough to remember the 70s and 80s …. even part of the 90s … it was a tougher world back then.

Now our leaders are so concerned and focused with being “liked” that they no longer lead …

Na .. maybe I should re-state:  now a days, our leaders (esp in the USA) are more concerned with being re-elected than they are on leading…

Sorry.  I’m just ranting….
but seriously …. how much further can our world change?

How much softer can we become?

Casual days …
to be continued…